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Review: 'Manchester by the Sea' (2016)

| 77; 4 stars; A- | dir. Kenneth Lonergan | English | 137 min | NC16 |

Lee Chandler, a janitor and handyman living in the city, returns to his hometown to visit his dying brother. He rekindles the loving relationship with his nephew, Patrick.

Kenneth Lonergan’s Sundance drama is a compelling examination of those in grief, an emotional tour de force that lays bare its devastating effects on the psyche. Lee (Casey Affleck), divorced and solitary, is forced to come to terms with his brother’s illness and the inevitable guardianship he will have to hold over Patrick (Lucas Hedges). He is quiet, withdrawn, often anti-social; the townspeople of Manchester-by-the-Sea, from which the film derives its title, appear hostile to him.

And it is a fitting title. Over two hours, we are slowly introduced to the Chandlers and their backstories, told through subtle, clever flashbacks amidst the bleak and wintry present. Unable to get over their tragic environs, both Lee and Patrick seek various outlets: Lee picks fights with the residents, and Patrick attempts to reconcile with his estranged mother. Lee’s ex-wife, Randi (Michelle Williams), also appears frequently, tying past and present together with uncomfortable sadness.

Lonergan’s film is less a dramatic narrative of twists and turns, although there is a pivotal sequence somewhere in the middle that left me absolutely shocked and close to tears. Instead, ‘Manchester by the Sea’ constructs its characters minutely, deftly – the strained and awkward relationship between Affleck and Hedges is developed through their incredible performances, and illuminates their individual fears and regrets in a way narrative alone cannot.

This film bides its time, simmering in the cold as Lesley Barber’s excellent soundtrack twangs with fitting poignancy. Spring will come, but for the town’s inhabitants it is now winter; they are caught up with the past, grieving, healing, but never quite moving on.

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